Livy is available to a good home. She is 6 years old. Livy is housebroken, up to date on shots and is microchipped. Livy would need to be the only pet as she does not get along with other dogs or cats. Livy is a sweet girl and is very energetic. Please contact me if you might be interested in giving Livy a home.
Zoey is available to a good home. She is 8 years old. Zoey is housebroken, up to date on shots and is microchipped. Zoey would need to be the only pet as she does not get along with other dogs or cats. Zoey is medium drive. She is not an in your face type of dog but does want to be close by. She does love to play fetch with her ball or go on walks. Please contact me if you might be interested in giving Livy a home.